Welcome to Holistic Fertility®
HF is an integrated method that offers a remarkably effective answer to your trying for a baby. It is a unique, holistic application whose purpose is to increase fertility and your ability to conceive by DOUBLING YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS!
No need for hormones and drugs. No costly treatments. No jeopardizing the future health of you and your unborn!
Holistic Fertility® (HF) is a patented method that outstandingly helps you get pregnant naturally while increases your prospects of conceiving with in vitro fertilization (IVF) by 52%! What this in fact means, is that it more than doubles your probabilities of getting pregnant than if you only underwent IVF.
If you find you have reached an impasse in your trying to have a baby, the Holistic Fertility® method opens up a new road to success. With a process that is neither dangerous nor invasive, it will draw together and strengthen the resources of your body rather than weaken them. It will restore your emotional wellbeing and heal traumas, rather than draw them to the fore. You will finally regain control of your objective, your state of mind and your body.
HF’s holistic approach can lead to a reversal of inexplicable infertility and offer a solution to the problems causing reduced fertility. This is evidenced by the ever-increasing testimonies of women who put their trust in HF and became mothers. These successes are particularly indicative of the trustworthiness of the method because they concern women the majority of whom were at an age where their chances of conceiving were very slim (2%-10%). Most were impaired by repeated surgical and other invasive procedures and/or diagnosed officially as cases of inexplicable infertility by their doctors. (Please read their testimonies and related medical research).
In an innovative way, Holistic Fertility® integrates four alternative therapies, two traditional and two recent revolutionary techniques, namely, Electroacupuncture, Reflexology , Healing Visualization and EFT-Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique). The HF method is their combined and personalised application.
The HF program is a series of six (6) sessions that are applied once every 15 days. Each session is about 2 hours.
After applying the method and in the event of a pregnancy, a weekly monitoring is recommended, in parallel with your regular checks with your gynaecologist-obstetrician, to carry on the prevention and normalization of imbalances that may arise during the course of your pregnancy. It is a specific and approved program for pregnant women without acupuncture. This prenatal program is highly effective in minimizing all the practical irritations of pregnancy (vomiting, nausea, insomnia, irritability, constipation, etc.) while significantly thwarting the onset of autoimmune diseases and considerably improve the quality of life of the pregnant woman.
WHY CHOOSE HolisticFertility®
Because the Holistic Fertility® method:
• Is effective and has positive effects, whatever the case might be
• Is non-invasive
• Does not involve the use of medicines and eliminates side effects
• Is painless
• Does not, in any way, diminish your psychosomatic wellbeing. To the contrary, it enhances it
• Is economical in comparison with conventional methods
• Brings out your innate natural strengths. It reduces stress, negative thoughts and emotions, brings beneficial relaxation and heightened optimism.
• Does not raise ethical and moral questions
• It is a practical and versatile program: 6 biweekly sessions (3 months in total)
• Is applied once and to lasting beneficial effect without the need for detrimental, costly and nerve-racking unsuccessful repetitions common to other methods
• Allows you to go about your daily routine normally.
The Holistic Fertility® method is for you if:
• You desire to have a child naturally and want to increase the chances of success and a smooth conclusion of the pregnancy without compromising the psychosomatic wellbeing of yourself or your baby to be.
• You do not want to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) for whatever reason (economic, ethical, religious, etc.),
• You have a child but are experiencing difficulties in having another one (secondary infertility)
• You have been sorely tried by repeated miscarriages and have difficulty in concluding pregnancies
• You have undergone IVF without success
• You have not ruled out IVF and wish to increase the chances of conception
If you are or are about to start an IVF process, we recommend you follow it in parallel with the Holistic Fertility® method. It will help maximize your chances of conceiving and considerably strengthen you, both physically and mentally, to cope with IVF. Where it is not possible to apply the full Holistic Fertility® program, an integrated session prior to embryo transfer will be significantly supportive.